Mission Statement

Education and inspiration to enhance your parrots life. Be the best example of parrot companionship you can be.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


The talk in Parrot Town lately has been the film by Allison Argo "Parrot Confidential". This film aired November 13th on PBS, Nature.  For what it was "Parrot Confidential" was a nice film. Then again I like anything to do with parrots. I was disappointed in the lack of  content and accuracy, but  how much content can be fit into 1 hour of filming. "Parrot Confidential" only touched the tip of the iceberg as the saying goes. There would need to be a weekly episode about parrots for at least a year to touch the many aspects and plight of parrots. I believe the films main focus was to raise awareness of the abused parrot in general.

As with many topics in the world there are different points of view, perspective and opinions. The film created a lot of discussion amongst the parrot community. Many emotions were stimulated. Sadness, anger, frustration to name a few. I would preferred to have seen both sides of the spectrum. The small barren cage, the dirty cage and the large clean cage or aviary with lots of enrichment and toys.

Maybe this documentary was to discourage people from getting that cute, funny, talking parrot on display at the local pet store. By the way, not all parrots talk. If you think about it, how many people outside the parrot community really saw this film. I doubt the numbers are real high. I think you have to be a bird person or animal rights person for "Parrot Confidential"  one film, to have been a high priority on the to do list. I'm sure if there was enough interest and money a weekly show displaying the many aspects, perspectives and opinions could be aired. Do enough people in the world really care? Probably not.

My single most important piece of advise on getting a parrot. Research, read and talk to people who have or have had parrots first. Do this before you buy or take one into your home. Make sure the whole family is in agreement.. Spread the word so when that impulse buy pops into someone's head they may remember hearing "RESEARCH FIRST".

As I stated earlier, in my opinion (and we all have one) "Parrot Confidential" was a well put together film for what it was. A peek into the parrot world. The abuse part. You may view the 58 minute film at the link provided below.


Sunday, November 10, 2013


I had the pleasure of attending a flight demo at Yakima Co-op's Fall Event a few Saturdays ago. All the activities were nicely presented. The fishing pond was a large stand up pool and the fish looked like trout. I'm choosing to focus on Raptor House since my interest is primarily birds. Participants and activities at the fall event were...
  • Cabelas                     kids fishing pond
  • Cozy Critter Pony Rides
  • Yakima Audubon
  • Raptor House
  • Yakima Valley Rabbit Breeder's
  • KXDD live broadcast
  • Meals on Wheels for Pets kick-off
  • birdhouse painting
  • face painting
Raptor House Rehabilitation Center is located in Selah, Washington. Their mission, to preserve the earth's biological diversity and secure the future of bird species in their natural environment. Shannon & Marsha Dalan do this through education and raptor rehabilitation. This center is a 501 (c)(3) organization that was established in 1998. There is no state or federal funding. The center is run on public donations & volunteers.

The raptors in the demo consisted of Blackjack a Harris Hawk who Marsha (in the red shirt) is holding. A Red Tail Hawk. The Red Tail Hawk is a little larger then the Harris Hawk. Timber the Great Horned Owl. A Burrowing Owl and last but not least, Merlot the American Kestrel.

Educational programs are done throughout the year. During the summer months the educational birds can be seen on the last Saturday of the month from 10am-3pm. There is a $6.00 entrance fee. Schools, clubs & other organizations may reserve a time to tour the facility. The raptors are also available to appear at fairs, banquets, weddings & birthday parties.

To learn more about Raptor House visit the website at  http://www.raptorhouse.org/

Sunday, October 27, 2013


The Seattle Parrot expo 2013 was a huge success. Thanks so much to the one's who stepped up to the plate and took on the large task of researching, organizing and setting up this great event. There were several vendors and booths representing parrot education, rescues, sanctuaries and bird items to purchase. I extremely enjoyed walking around in a relaxed atmosphere looking at displays, watching the live parrot demos and networking with other parrot people. This part of the event was free to anyone who wished to drop by and check it out. A great event that is family friendly, see live parrots and learn about them.
I attended Dr. Susan Friedman's seminar "Living and Learning with Animals". A short course in applied  behavior analysis. This 2 day seminar cost $200.00. Included with the seminar was breakfast, lunch, snacks and you earned the Flight Club Foundation "Wings" pin. Susan Friedman's presentations are requested by organizations, business, clubs, zoos etc... I believe this seminar would be useful to most anyone since most of us to communicate. How do we get the positive behavior we are looking for from our pets, children, spouse or our co-workers? Susan Friedman presented the science of behavior by using examples to make it easier for us to relate to what she was trying to get across. The science of behavior can be complex. At times I had a confused look on my face until I listened harder. A well organized presentation in a casual setting. To learn more about Susan Friedman and her seminars visit http://www.behaviorworks.org/
The Seattle Parrot Expo raised enough money to provide 2 grants for Northwest Parrot Sanctuary applicants. The 2 sanctuaries chosen this year to receive the grants are
Zazu's House   http://zazushouse.org/
Macaw Rescue and Sanctuary   http://macawrescueandsanctuary.org/
Again, I'm so proud of the people who helped make this event happen. I do hope the Flight Club Foundation will have the people and resources to make the Seattle Parrot Expo a yearly event. It's a great place for parrot people to network and a fun outing for the family. If you want to learn more about parrots and see them live, this is the event for you. Here is the Flight Club foundation website for more detailed information about the Seattle Parrot Expo. http://www.flight-club-foundation.org/

Friday, September 6, 2013

Macaw Rescue & Sanctuary

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Bob Dawson’s Macaw Rescue & Sanctuary was eye candy for the bird lover at a local level. Most of us don’t have the means to travel and see parrots in their natural habitat. Sure it’s great to see parrots in their natural habitat. The truth is, parrots are kept as pets. When the parrot owner can no longer keep them or the breeder is done with them, parrots need a safe place to go. Bob and his volunteer’s have taken on the responsibility of creating a rescue and  sanctuary. A task very few of us could or would take on.

I had the pleasure of attending an auction fundraiser. The goal was to raise funds to help operate the rescue. I feel it was nicely done. Freedom to walk the grounds on your own, good food, nice pamphlet with map and Debbie Goodrich of Parrot Ambassador’s made a outstanding auctioneer. I brought home two items I did not necessarily need, but I’m glad to have them. I ran into another bird person I knew from Yakima, met a few Facebook bird people in person and visited with a few other new people. It was a tremendous experience to see the rescue and not just hear about it.

Bird lover or not, I would suggest this event be put on your calendar of things to do for next August. I’m sure your entire family would enjoy roaming the wooded area, listening to the chatter of parrots while enjoying a picnic lunch with good company.  As Bob Dawson’s Macaw, Rescue & Sanctuary suggests “Help us help the birds”.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

"BAGGAGE" a poem

I'm launching my revisit to blogging with a poem. Each time I recite this poem I get choked up. This poem is written by Phoebe Scott who goes by the pen name Evelyn Colbath.

Baggage (The Meaning of Rescue)
Now that I'm home, bathed, settled and fed,
All nicely tucked into my warm new bed,
I would like to open my baggage,
Least I forget,
There is so much to carry,
So much to forget.
Hmmm... Yes, there it is right on top,
Let's unpack Loneliness, Heartache and Loss,
And there by my perch hides Fear and Shame.
As I look on these things I tried so hard to leave,
I still have to unpack my baggage called Pain.
I love them, the others, the ones who left me,
But I wasn't good enough - for they didn't want me.
Will you add to my baggage?
Will you help me unpack?
Or will you just look at my things,
And take me right back?
Do you have the time to help me unpack?
To put away my baggage, to never repack?
I pray that you do - I am so tired you see,
But I do come with baggage,
Will you still want me?
By Evelyn Colbath   c1995 Baggage All rights reserved

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ideal Life Of A Parrot

Someone asked "what is an ideal life for a parrot". My reply is this. My perception of an ideal life for a parrot in captivity would be to have a human companion willing to go the extra mile. Have a schedule for the parrot yet be flexible. Give the parrot freedom yet keep them safe. Be provided with a quality diet & variety. To incorporate the parrot into your daily activities when possible. Have cages where the humans spend their time & keep the cages clean. Provide the parrot with quality interactive time with the human & feathered flock indoors and outdoors. Stimulate and challenge the parrots state of mind by providing a variety of perches, toys and training. Basically meet the parrots physical and emotional needs and them some on a daily basis. The human companion should learn as much as possible about their species & parrot behavior.