Bare Eyed Cockatoos also known as Little Corellas or Short Billed Corellas are native to Austraila and New Guinea. They are a medium size bird between 14 - 16 inches. The adverage lifespan is up to 50 years. The coloring of the Bare Eyed is primarily white with touches of salmon-pink on their faces and a short white crest. They have a horn colored beak and a bare blue/grey patch around the eye. Like most of the white cockatoos there is a yellow wash beneath their wings and tail.
Bare Eyed Cockatoos are intelligent, inquisitive, playful and affectionate little clowns who love to show off. They are often overlooked due to their droll appearance. They don't fit the image most people envision when they think about Cockatoos.
Bare Eyed Cockatoos are not as destructive, loud or demanding as some of the other Cockatoos, but need just as much attention and stimulation. They can be a little nippy, especially if they don't get there own way or you are not their favorite person. They have amazing flying abilities. If clipping feathers, clip only the primary flight feathers and only enough so the bird will glide to the floor. They are a good bird for people who would like a cockatoo that is somewhat easier to care for then the larger species. A cockatoo in a smaller package.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Citron Cockatoo
The Citron cockatoo is a subspecies of the Lesser Sulfer Crested Cockatoo, native to Indonesia. Most Citrons are between 13-15 inches from beak to the tip of the tail feathers. The life span is up to 50 years in captivity. The color of the Citron Cockatoo is mostly white, with pale orange patches on their cheeks, pale yellow on the undersides of the wings and tail feathers, and a bright orange crest. They have a dark grey beak and feet.
Citrons can make good pets. They are curious, friendly and sociable. Some say they are not as noisy as most cockatoos, but I beg to differ. They do make a honking sound like a trumpet when excited or alarmed. They have big personalities and love to play. The Citron Cockatoo is an extremely intelligent bird. They can be taught a variety of tricks and some human speech.
If considering owning this type of bird make sure that you have enough spare time to spend with it. They require a lot of attention in order to maintain good emotional health, and not develop behavior problems such as feather chewing or screaming.
Citron Cockatoos must be sold with a CITES certificate (Convention on International trade in Endangered Species) to prove that it was bread in captivity. They are classified as an endangered species due to illegal trapping and habitat loss.
The Cockatoo on the play stand perch is Kiwi my friends Citron. We bird sit him from time to time. The highest up Cockatoo is Baretta, our Citron/Bare-eyed Cockatoo. The one in the background is Tangi our Moluccan Cockatoo.
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